Friday, September 01, 2006

More Rambling...

sorry guys, another long one... i know, i've been very long-winded lately...
I’m calming down… I got myself all stressed out for no reason… well, because I think that something’s wrong if I’m not stressed… all this stuff I have to do, not a problem… I’ll get it done, and if not, oh well…. The important things I will take care of though… I did get the house cleaned and some laundry done last night… I’ve gone as far as I can on payroll without anyone’s hours… that won’t be bad at all… mom is making the curtains and she took the old pictures of i.p. to see if someone can “fix” them… I really appreciate that, she is taking a lot of stress off me!!
I was laying in bed this morning thinking… when I say morning I mean about 3am… the past 2 nights I’ve gone to bed and then woken up about 3 or 3:30 and have been unable to go back to sleep… so, I’m laying there thinking… the kitties sure have been lovey lately… and wanting attention! For murph this isn’t unusual... but for mazzy, well, it’s really unusual… she loves it when I pick her up, carry her around, and pet her… she loves the foot love too (and if your feet are stinky that’s even better, I know, yuck!)… but yeah, the past week or so, she’s been very affectionate and lovey… makes me wonder what those 2 are up too… hehe… maybe it’s the new petmate water “fountain” that I bought them… it’s one of those water dispensers that cycles and filters the water so that they’re always drinking clean purified water… murph is so cute… he loves to drink it off the “slide” part… not out of the reservoir… mazzy wasn’t real impressed with it at first but I’ve caught her using it… one more think I love about the kitties, their “satellite” ears… the way they can make them go any direction or lay down flat…. It’s so cute!! I love their little ears!! I know, stupid but it makes me happy!!
Lately I’ve been talking about everything happening for a reason and at the right time… well, we had sold r’s old suburban to some friends and they were paying us out… she called at the beginning of the week and told me that she was going to pay it off today… she came up to my work and paid us off… that’s so awesome because I was fixing to have to “pay” r for his work at the cedar tree… so far I haven’t had to pay him yet, we’ve been living off of what we had in checking… when I say pay I mean, put money in our checking account for bills.. so yeah, this week I was going to have to pay him but not now!! I need to go to the bank and deposit the money AND I even have $100 (or more!!) left to spend on decorations!! Yeah!!! Everything happens for a reason and at the right time!! It’s amazing!! I am so excited about this!!! it just makes my day and mood even better!!
I got done blogging yesterday and checked my email.. guess what was in there?!?! It’s amazing how this happens… Something that I needed to hear/read (a little cheesy but still good!!)… here it is…

What do you think you have to do today?
Do the things on your list sound like fun? Are they clearly moving you in the direction of what you really want in your life?
Are there duties on your list that seem necessary but not any fun at all? Things that seem necessary but aren't fun and don't even head you in a positive direction?
Does the sheer volume of what there is to do crowd all the fun out of everything?
I woke up this morning with the same headache I had yesterday.
It was no secret where it came from. I had WAY too much on my plate and had myself all stressed out about handling it.
It isn't just about those big dreams we have that are out there on the horizon. It's about daily life.
I laughed when I realized it was my own thoughts that were stressing me out. Good grief! How quickly I forget everything!
Do you want to feel some relief from your own stress? Want to feel more confident about reaching your goals and getting what you want?
Does it feel like you can't ever make progress?
You CAN. But how?
The definition of overwhelm: thinking you are responsible for things that you believe you lack the time, knowledge, ability, and/or resources to handle, and that you must handle them according to a standard you believe you can't meet.
What if all that was required to get the important things done was faith in the outcome, loving yourself enough to believe that what you want is worthwhile, willingness to do your small part, and acceptance that the universe handles the large part?
Something to think about.
Just allow yourself to accept that what you CAN do is enough. Hang on and joyfully go with the flow, instead of jumping out with your worry and self-judgement about why you're not there yet
Next time you're proud of yourself for accomplishing something, be proud! You did your part!
And a big part of what you did is to be willing to allow the energy of the universe to work through you.
You breathed.
You imagined.
You gave yourself permission to try.
You let yourself think you could.
You gave yourself a reason.
You challenged your stressful, scary, and self-defeating thoughts.
You believed you were worthy of your goal.
You believed your goal was worthy of you.
You believed that somehow what you needed would show up.
Next time you think you can't, check your willingness to do these things.
You CAN.

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