Monday, November 06, 2006


so, i'm having a dilemma... i have borrowed 100 things about me list from kilax : (sorry, i'm working on linking... i'm still blogging challenged!).... i would really like to post it somewhere in my blog but not in my blog... a list of 100 would be LONG... so i was thinking about linking it to another page or something but as you can see, i'm still challenged in this area... i have a blog set up on msn livespaces but i'm not sure that i want to post stuff there... i kinda like the anonymity of blogspot... i guess what i'm trying to say without saying it is i don't want the "wrong" people to see this... it's my personal space where i can speak as i chose too... for some people i don't mind at all... for others, i would really rather them not see this... i know, i probably shouldn't be blogging all this then... so, i'm trying to decide where to go from here... try to create a link page or just use my msn live spaces blog... decisions, decisions...

1 comment:

Kim said...

I think you can do that - create another page for it, then kind of link to it like the archives are linked!

Can't wait to read your 100! Have fun with it! :)