Monday, November 06, 2006

Catch Up

Yesterday I was kinda bored during the NASCAR race so I got online and was thinking, I sure would like to blog… the only problem, I couldn’t think of anything that I “needed” to blog… until this morning and then it all hit me at once… let me apologize before I get started… sorry if this is really long…
Thursday and Friday my anger/rage came back… not as bad as it used to be but I wasn’t all calm, cool, and collected like I have been really working on being… I was one hot tamale… dang!! Friday my boss even pissed me off and that never happens… I realized right then that I had a really bad attitude… I really honestly think it was pms… sometimes it doesn’t affect me and other times, watch out, I am a complete monster! i dealt with the anger the best I could and knew that it would eventually subside… luckily it did…
I had a really productive weekend… way more productive than the past few have been… the restaurant has a “built-in” shelf thing (I kinda consider it a hole in the wall but not really a hole) in the smoking section and r and I have been trying to think of what to do with it… I thought about using it for seasonal decorations but decided against that because then I’d have to go shopping and I hate to shop! For clothes, food, pretty much anything… (which is exactly why I’m still wearing the clothes that I had (and had been given) while I was losing weight… 49.5lbs down and my clothes are huge… I figure I’ll get around to shopping one day)… ok, back to the hole in the wall… I decided that I would get a piece of corrugated sheet metal (tin, whatever- the metal with the ridges on it) and then paint a Texas flag on it… my boss had one of our foreman cut me a piece of metal (by my measurements- uh oh- and I haven’t checked to see if it fits yet!!) and this weekend I painted it… it looks really good and I am really proud of myself… there is just one little thing I need to touch up… I was so excited about working on it that I guess I didn’t let the blue paint dry long enough and when I pulled the tape off after painting the red it pulled the blue paint under the tape off too… oops! That can be easily fixed though… I need to stop by the store and get a clear coat too… I’m also going to antique it… I’m really excited about my little “crafting” project… I miss crafting and I think that would be an excellent hobby for me to take up again… I’ve got my fingers crossed that the flag fits though… hehe
Yesterday was the perfect Sunday… cool, cloudy, and then rainy… it was a nice do- nothing day… I did get my new file box set up for the restaurant though… that’s been on my to-do list for over a month and it felt really good to scratch it off… I love lists! I have lists for everything!! I actually got to scratch off a lot on my to-do list this weekend!! yes, there is still stuff on there but not near as much…
R’s phone rang at 5 this morning… you can pretty much guess that it’s not good news when the phone rings that early… it was our morning cook… there was no electricity at the restaurant… most excellent… I get up, call the electric company while he’s on the phone with the cook and they say it should be restored within 2 hours… not good since we open at 6 but better than it could have been… about 6:30 the power was back on… not too bad (a transformer or something blew)… we were just kinda worried because the first Monday of each month the non-smoking section is reserved for a meeting and they usually start arriving around 7:30… I haven’t heard from r yet, a good sign! Since I have started “knowing”, one of those you just know things, that the restaurant is going to succeed and is going to kick ass our numbers have been so good! This puts r in a good mood… which in turn, puts me in a good mood! He told me Wednesday night that one of our competitors- Harvey’s- (I think there’s only really 3) had quit serving breakfast… at r’s old job every single morning him & whoever else was working ate breakfast at harvey’s… are we putting a hurting on them? It kinda makes me feel bad to say that but, I guess business is business… that’s just more for us…
This morning I got to work and my mood was so-so… not good, not bad… I guess you could say it could go either way depending on what happened… as usual, my co-worker is in a foul mood… really thinking about it though, I can’t say I blame him… I think he feels like he’s being “pushed out” of his job (he’s old enough to retire- Dang, I want to retire early!! I’d have already hit the door running!! But that’s just me… -and has been here for 33 years!!), he kinda is though, because as Stephen King says in the Dark Tower series, the world has moved on… (I still have to use a typewriter at work- when I started here in 2004 there was not a single computer here)… this is not the “old days” and things aren’t “the same as they used to be” back in the “old days”.. daddy told me that you have to be able to change and bend with the world and the changes that come along with it otherwise you’ll end up hating the world because it has moved on and you haven’t (accepted the changes)… like I said, it makes me feel bad for him but at the same time, take a damn hint! The boss never really “talks” to him, only gripes him out….
Anyways, enough for now… I’m off to work for a bit… I’m sure I’ll be back soon though…


Anonymous said...

thank you he is so much better than he was
hugs for you xxxx

Kim said...

Can we see a picture of the flag you painted? It sounds neat!

I loathe shopping for clothes. My weight is up and down so much I never know what to buy! I always feel awful... arg. So I do the same as you - wear the clothes that fit, even if they are not that flattering, until they rip apart!