Monday, April 24, 2006

Change of Heart

this morning when i was getting ready for work i was thinking.... i was thinking about how when i get to work i'm going to blog everything that's wrong with me... what i'm feeling.... instead of being negative though, i'm really trying to be positive... i'm pretty sure i got discouraged this morning when i got on the scale.... yesterday morning it said i had lost about 3lbs... pretty good considering i exercised twice but went to walmart yesterday and sweat there for about an hour and a half... i watched my points this week too and really didn't hardly cheat at all... i didn't go over my flex points.... this morning when i got on the scale it said i had gained 6.5lbs from where i was last week, so that's like 9.5lbs since yesterday morning... what is going on... yesterday i didn't do bad at all... we ate sandwiches for lunch and then ordered pizza for dinner... i'm not sure what happened... or if it could be all these health issues i'm having.... my back, head, neck, the . problem, now i've got another problem thanks to my pain meds... i'm not sure what is going on... all i know is that if i go to the meeting tonight and they say i've gained that much weight i am going to freak out probably.... i mean, i really don't understand.... i guess if i have then i will just have to really work out to get it off.... and really watch what i eat, even more closely i guess.... but, all i can do is work to get it off and keep it off...
it's monday and i'm not in a bad mood, just an indifferent mood... kinda, ah, blah... my head and back are really hurting today.... right now anyways... i'm really looking forward to my appointment with dr. bob tomorrow... hopefully he can shed some light on what's going on with me.... i've got a whole list of stuff i would like to talk to him about.... i really am trying to stay positive today though... we'll just have to wait and see what happens at the meeting tonight.... keep your fingers crossed for me...

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