Monday, February 26, 2007

Taking Time Out

i was busy this weekend.... i worked at km's office on saturday and got home about 5:30... r and i ate dinner.... my computer needed to be updated so before i started on payroll r decided to update and scan my computer for me... i appreciate that he did it but it took almost 3 hours!! by the time he was done it was almost 10:00 and i was tired.... i've been working really hard at my work and then i worked hard on saturday... my back has really been hurting me too so that makes a world of difference in how hard my "work day affects me"... i get so tired!! at least march is almost here, i'm only glad because of my dr.'s appt... my back hurting has been taking it all out of me.... then i think because i'm so tired and hurting so bad that everything that i feel i have to do is insurmountable.... like i can't do anymore... i can't go anymore.... i am so tired, my whole back and both legs are in constant pain, and it's just like, i'm out of steam.... at the same time, i can't be... there is so much to do and so much to get done!! km asked me on saturday if i'd be willing to work on wednesdays after work... that's ok though, i really enjoy working up there with km, her sister, and her mom... they're like my family... luckily, km is the one person who 99.99% of the time never irritates me even if everyone else is... it takes a lot for that to happen!! so that's been nice change of working environment... despite all of the griping that i've done i'm in a fairly good mood... don't get me wrong, i was irritated (ok, pissed) today at work at rrll (of course!).... but i got over that after work... r and i had a good weekend... sunday i ended up working on restaurant stuff all day long.... get this, i had the race on but didn't even pay attention to it.... i didn't even know where carl finished when the race was over!! woah!! i got a lot done though!! this "craziness" won't last forever though!! only 6ish more weeks!! :) i know that if my back wasn't hurting the rest of this wouldn't even be an issue... like i said though, my mood and attitude have been pretty good... r and i are just kinda rocking along right now... 2007 hasn't been a bad year so far but it's definitely had it's challenges!! :) i'm off to grate some cheese for my chicken and rice casserole... if it's good i'll share the recipe! i so didn't mean for this to blog to sound the way it sounded... like a total bitchfest and please pity me for my pain... that's not what i was trying to say.... i just finally took a few minutes to get my crazy thoughts off my chest...


Anonymous said...

All you do is work! When are you going to take a break?! ;)

courtneyl said...

sleeping isn't considered a break? hehe!