Friday, September 30, 2005


it never ceases to amaze me how quick your day can go from good to bad just like that... i woke up this morning and was in such a good mood.... i was even in a good mood when i got to work! and somehow managed to stay in a good mood until my "other half" called... last night when "we" (and i say it like that because r rode with me but stayed in the car while i took murph in) dropped murph off at the vet i started crying when i walked out of the vet's office... r said, we shouldn't have even got a cat, you can't handle it... i was like, sorry i displayed any sort of emotion... my fault! all night long he kept asking, what's wrong... i would say, i miss murph... so it's not like he didn't know i was upset by murph being gone... today he calls me at work and says, um, the vet just called... i said, what did they say? he said, you're not going to like this, i don't know how to tell you this... i'm like, WHAT? WHAT? he won't tell me and keeps saying crap like he was saying and then he's finally like, nothing, he's ok, everything is fine and he's ready to be picked up.... last night they told me he wouldn't be ready to be picked up until 3 or 4 so i was thinking, not a problem, i'll just run by and get him on my way home... r asked me if i wanted him to go get murph and i said, sure, that would be great! then he starts in on how stressed out he is and how he hates doing anything before work and how he doesn't like doctors or vets (because you know i just love them!) and doesn't really want to go get murph... that would only be adding more stress to him.... i mean, he only had 2 hours before he had to leave for work so i could see where he might not have enough time because the vet is maybe 5 minutes away.... and i mean, it's so stressful picking him up, you go in, get murph, and pay... then he gets mad at me because i didn't think his "little joke" was funny and because i'm "guilt-tripping" him about not going to get murph.... that's fine, not a problem, i'll just take care of it like i take care of everything else around the damn house! he doesn't like to do anything before work, whatever, he never likes to do anything unless it involves sitting on the couch on his fat ass and watching tv... fine, so i'll just go by and get murph when i get off work, hopefully not too late because today is the last day of the 3rd quarter and we always have a lot of stuff to do the last day of the quarter... but, i mean, i sure would hate to express that to r because i might be "guilt-tripping" him or something... the vet doesn't close until 7 but i would like to be there somewhat early... i don't want murph to think he is going to have to stay there forever... which brings me to my second gripe....
work, and especially the last day of the quarter, is busy.... my freaking idiot co-worker is in there in his office goofing around, like usual, and i look down and happen to notice the time, 12:45... he usually eats by 12:30.... but not today.... he's in there looking at his calendar, walking around his office, not doing anything of any importance, and then both foremen call and are ready to pull inventory tags.... so he runs in there and eats lunch real quick and is like, um, do you want to eat real fast? i said, well, i didn't bring anything, i'll have to go get something... he said, well, the foreman over at this shop is ready to pull tags now.... so out he goes and on the way out the door he says, i should be back in about an hour... thanks, so i can maybe eat lunch at two? but by then the other foreman will be ready to pull inventory tags so i guess that means that i get no lunch today... it's no big deal, i've only been starving since about 10ish... but, i'm just the secretary, no one of any importance so it's no big deal if i get to eat lunch or not... only half of my billing was done when i got here, which i'm glad half of it was done, but i sure would like to get the other half done before say 5ish... but we'll just have to see....
i mean, i guess if i don't get off work in time to get murph he can just stay another night... no biggie, he's just a cat, it's not like i treat him or love him like my kid or anything.... and speaking of that, if r won't even go get the cat from the vet how helpful is he going to be if we have a kid? great, that's what i have to look forward too... i'll just keep the cats thanks!
i am so pissed off right now it's not even funny!!! i want to literally explode... i'm trying to play it cool but man, it is so hard!!! like i said earlier, it just blows my mind how your day can go to hell in such a short period of time.... all within an hour!
well, my loaner typewriter is gone... i have the original back... i'm about to break out the instruction manual so i can figure out how to use it again... i had to learn to use so many different typewriters while mine was being repaired that i don't remember how to use this one.... oh well, it will give me something to do in my free time right now... that way i can bust my ass later trying to get out of here on time....
another thing, k, my best friend, asked me i wanted to go see 3 doors down in concert here on a saturday night and i was like, yeah! that will be fun!! so i'm telling r about it and he's like, well, what am i going to do then? i said, i don't know... he asked what k's husband was doing and i said going to a modified race... r's reply, fine, i'll just sit at home by myself while you go out and have fun.... i felt bad about it this morning but now i'm like, sit at home by yourself then! i really don't give a damn!!
tomorrow night is the annual "knights of columbus dinner" for work... the owner of my company buys a ticket for everyone that works here and the tickets are $100 each... they have a steak dinner, door prizes, and a raffle.... we went last year with k and her husband and it was fun... k and her husband aren't going this year and i kinda want to go because i feel bad that the owner spent that much money on tickets.... r is all pissed off because k and her husband aren't going... i had only worked here a little over a month last year so the owner wanted me to invite k and her husband, b, so that r and i would feel more comfortable... so i did and it was a good time! they weren't invited this year and now r doesn't want to go... fine with me, i may see if k wants to go.... then r can just sit at home by himself... don't get me wrong, i do love him but man, he just irritates me to no end sometimes....

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