Sunday, May 27, 2007


this picture is my 29th b-day present from r... i have wanted to get a tattoo for ever!!! and of course, i finally thought of the most perfect thing... kitty paw prints!! what could be more perfect?!?!? absolutely nothing!!! when i take the kitties to the vet for their check-up in july i'm going to get them paw printed so i can get their actual paw prints tattooed on me!!!! i am really excited about that!!! let me say though, i LOVE my tattoo!!!! more soon!!! it's late and i'm SO tired!!!


Anonymous said...

Aww!!! It is adorable! I love it! Your ankle looks so cute and slender too. For some reason, I always notice ankles... I am a werido!

courtneyl said...

thank you so much!!! (thanks for the comment about my ankle too!!! that makes me feel good!!) it's ok, i notice ankles too... (i'm just glad someone else does too!!)

Anonymous said...

HOW GREAT!! Love your bday gift! Happy Birthday and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Happy late birthday! :)

courtneyl said...

thank you for the birthday wishes!! i must say, it was a great birthday!!! :)

Anonymous said...

those are really cute!

I love the paws. oh my!

I told my boyfriend that before we part, in time that we have to, we should get a similar ones in our risk. Just to have something to keep us remembering even after several years.

Tattoo Lettering