Thursday, October 13, 2005


for some reason, and i'm really not sure why, i've been sad the past week or so.... i really wish i had some sort of inkling as to why i'm sad but i really can't think of anything.... our oven and garbage disposal are in so maybe we can try to get that installed this weekend.... things are going good... i mean, there's nothing bad going on, but for some reason i just can't seem to shake the blues that i've been having the past week.... i tried talking to r about it and he said that i just need to get over whatever it is.... (and i know that it seems when i blog about him i'm down on him and all over him, but, it's really not like that, i love him and would do anything for him... he really is an awesome person, this is just my "vent freely option").... it seems he doesn't understand that i'm just sad... i can't pinpoint why or even come up with any sort of idea... i guess he thinks that you have to have a reason or know why you're sad... that you just can't be sad for no reason.... maybe if i believed that way i wouldn't be sad... r and i were talking last night and he said, you have no reason not to be happy.... we've both got good jobs, a nice house, good cars, 2 wonderful "kids", and everything is going good.... he said you just have to be thankful for what you have and don't worry about what you don't have... don't let what you don't have get you down... it shouldn't, that's what we're working for/towards... he's right and i know he's right but for some reason i just can't seem to shake the sadness... i'm kinda feeling the way i was feeling at cingular but not as bad.... which is good! i thought that i just felt that way because i was at cingular and hated my job!! i don't hate my job now, not even my co-worker.... he just annoys me (even though i really am trying to control my emotions toward him)... i really don't know if he's doing the things he does on purpose or not... r seems to think not.... some of it might be but for the most part i think he's just getting old and his mind is slipping... which has to be scary.... i really am trying to keep that in the back of my mind and just let things go... i do feel better after blogging this but i'm still sad... maybe the sadness will pass! i know it will pass but hopefully it will pass soon....

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