Friday, January 26, 2007

New Perspective

this morning i woke up in a good mood, i woke up late, but in a good mood... r and i talked last night and he just had a really bad day yesterday.... this morning i was thinking... you know, everything is going to work out, i don't know why i'm stressing myself out so much and so bad.... there is always a solution!! just don't worry about it...
i just added up all our credit card deposits that i hadn't added into the restaurant checking account yet (i do that as a little safety net) and i found out that we're not going to have to borrow any money!! YEAH!!! i am so excited!!! that also means that i should be able to pay r so maybe we won't have to use our savings money!!! that's what i'm thinking right now!! (and thoughts are the bricks that build your reality....) i feel so much better and so much less stressed.... way better!!!
i called r and told him that i didn't think we were going to have to borrow any money and that made him happy!! i'm going to print out copies of our breakfast menu, the to-go menu, and the regular menu so that this weekend (and if we need, this upcoming week) we can work on changing it up... we're adding and taking away some things... raising and lowering prices... we need to capitalize on everything we can.... i figured out it will only cost us about $10 to change the menus... all i have to buy is the paper at walmart and that is $5 a pack and it only takes two packs... i can copy the menus at work... and then we just have to "stuff" them...
i just had a challenging day yesterday, it's all good today... actually, i think it's better than yesterday!!

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