Thursday, March 02, 2006


this morning started out a little hectic... i woke up 30 minutes late for work... no biggie, i was still here on time but i hate waking up late... i feel rushed all day long! plus, i am leaving at 2:15 for a doctor's appointment and probably won't be back today... not if the appointment goes how they normally go when i go to the female doctor... yuck! but at least it will be over with for another year!! that's the good side of it!! besides that there isn't really anything going on today... i say that but i mean there is always something going on...
so i get to work this morning and start checking my email... nothing unusual until i read something in one of my emails about a labyrinth.... labyrinths and mazes have always intrigued me so i went to the website listed in the email.... i found some pretty interesting info... the first thing i read on the webpage was, You have been led to this place. My hope is that you will discover something here that will surprise and truly delight you. ... very profound! that certainly caught my attention... i really had no idea what labryinths were all about until today... they're very fascinating....

The Labyrinth, like the goddess, are archetypical of the Sacred "Mother Earth" and her cycles of life/death/rebirth. Symbolically it represents the journey into the other world and the return - a death of one state and rebirth into another. Metaphorically speaking, we are all spiritual seekers, on the path together, looking for meaning and purpose for our lives. The Labyrinth provides a symbol that is also quite literal as it presents us with a real path upon which to walk together. It is meant to be viewed or walked as a form of centering or meditation, and in the process, the spirit finds healing and wholeness in its sacred space. "Walking to the center of the labyrinth someway helps us find the center of our own being. "A labyrinth...speaks to a long forgotten part of us. They offer a chance to take "time out" from our busy lives... It is "a gift we give to ourselves, leading to discovery, insight, peacefulness, happiness, connectedness, and well-being.

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