Thursday, December 01, 2005

Happy Days Are Here Again

welcome to the life of a crazy person, you never know when you're going to have a good day or a bad day... today is a good day! i started working on these exercises that came out of the "i surrender ebook" yesterday and it was absolutely amazing how much better these exercises can make you feel! i cleared out my negative thoughts! (for now anyways!) but as the author said, it's not easy at first but it will get easier with time! so, that's what i'm shooting for! i really did feel better yesterday after working on those exercises... and i'm still feeling good today! positive thoughts have helped! knowing that others have struggled reassures me that i'm not the only one who is struggling (that sounds horrible i know!!) i just wanted to blog my happiness! the past few blogs haven't been all that cheerful so i thought i'd let everyone know that i'm feeling and doing much better! (and i think what was wrong with me yesterday was too much sinus medicine... i had a horrible headache and took some excedrin sinus before i left for work and then at work took some alka seltzer plus medicine and i think that's what was behind the omnious panick attacky feeling.. i kinda forgot that i had already taken some sinus medicine.... i say forgot, i might have not even thought that i took it because my head was hurting so bad!! the head is better though!!) things are looking up! there is a positive in every situation, sometimes you just have to look for it!

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