Monday, May 19, 2008

Dirty Laundry

A month ago I gave R a letter that said I’m unhappy and here are the reasons why I’m unhappy. The letter wasn’t all, here’s what you’re doing wrong, it was here’s why I’m unhappy and what I’m feeling is happening to us. We talked and he is really making an effort to make things better. What I don’t understand is why isn’t this making me happy? Is it a little too late? Should I have said something sooner? What is my problem?
There are so many issues I feel are causing problems in our relationship. He brought up a good point the other day. We were married in June 2003 and my back problems started in August 2003. The problem was finally fixed in August 2007 but I’m still not back to 100%. I don’t know if part of the problem we are having is us trying to have a normal relationship after all the back problems, you know, like finding a “routine” that works for both of us.
About a month before I gave him this letter, he “cornered” me one day and we had a “talk”. We needed to communicate more because we don’t communicate well and all our talks end up in fights. Then a month later I gave him the letter because what we talked about wasn’t working, nothing had changed. We can’t talk about anything serious with arguing. My guess would be 99.9% of the conversations we have end up with one of us getting mad. It’s really hard to communicate and try to work on things when this is happening.
Another of my hang-ups is the fact that we never go anywhere or do anything. It took me a long time to remember and realize that I used to go and do all the time. I was never at home, now I’m always at home and it’s driving me nuts. I hate it. Unfortunately, R is not good with the public, he never wants to go anywhere or do anything but when we do it’s always hectic.
The last issue to tackle is the restaurant and I don’t even want to go there right now.
So, here it is, most of my “dirty laundry” for everyone to see. These are some of the bigger problems that I feel R and I are battling. The reason I’ve been thinking of seeing a therapist is to find out why I’m acting and responding the way I am. I can sit back and pin-point exactly what I’m doing. I realize what I’m doing but I don’t know why and I don’t know how to fix it or control it.

It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

The truth is that we do not need pleasurable circumstances and events to evoke happiness with us. Happiness is within us at all times. Just as soon as we make the decision to be happy, regardless of our circumstances, it manifests.
No person, thing or circumstance controls our response to that person, thing or circumstance. We choose our own responses. We have complete control over our state of mind and happiness is a decision that we make between our ears.

“Knowing” that you are in complete and total control of your life, and that no one or no thing can have any control or influence over you without your permission puts you in the place of power.


Anonymous said...

THere is no doubt about it, married is hard work. It takes a lot of communicating and lots of give and take. The fact that you guys know that something isn't working out and are willing to make it work is a good start. Maybe try a date night, pick one day out of the week to go out on a date or do something together. Try new restaurants, go to a movie, etc, etc. You guys both have lots of stress in your lives that one day to just unwind and have some fun is something that I think you guys would benefit from. Of course this is not the answer to everything, but maybe it will help you guys get back on track.

Anonymous said...

Is Couples Therapy out of the question? Maybe a neutral third party will help each of you talk about your feelings without it ending in a fight?

Anonymous said...

Mannyed took the words out of my mouth - it is great that you are trying to communicate - even if you are are fighting, at least you are saying what you are feeling. Marriage can get bad when you just shell your thoughts inside, and expect the other person to read your mind.

Steven and I holed ourselves up all winter and started feeling really moody and snappy. Now we go bowling once or twice a week, just the two of us, for fun. I think doing something like that has helped :)